martes, mayo 05, 2009

Tips useful for women travelers

    This post is more oriented to women however men feel free to keep in mind any tip you like.

  1. Don’t use a new bra if you know that you are going to travel several hours (it is even better when you don’t use bra).

  2. In your handbag you must have an intelligent garment/cloth just in case your luggage gets lost (it happened to me this time, sniff, sniff). Below it’s shown an example of a perfect handbag cloth (this was designed by a woman (the one with the nice style) who works in a theatre in Berlin, she should’ve been engineer :P, check the ingenious out (2 skirts, they even can be short or long, two blouses)).

  3. Always take printed your round trip it doesn’t matter that you are traveling somewhere else so that you can proof when are you going to come back to your country. For example if you are traveling to the European Union European Union (EU) and you are planning to spend some time out of it but your flight to come back to your country departs from the EU( let’s say you are in Berlin and you think to visit for a while London (taking advantage of the cheap flights)) bring with you your ticket because you are going to pass the customs twice.

  4. Create a reliable mail account by just having important messages like movements of your bank account so that you don’t have to open it in whichever cyber coffee.

  5. Scan your passport and an ID card (IFE) and send the jpgs, pngs, pdfs (any format) to a reliable mail account (some people recommend take pictures of them).

  6. If you are going to stay with a friend ask his/her address in advance, so that if your luggage gets lost you know immediately where the airline can send it.

  7. Try to pack clothes with different shapes to avoid grazes in your body.
  8. Always carry on an small lamp maybe it should be tied to yor camera or to your keys (in the case you have them).

  9. Always find out how to ask for help according to the country's language you are traveling to.

  10. If you are a brave woman or if you are traveling with someone else maybe you would like to stay in someone's couch and save money (nótese la publicité de a grapa!!. Cabe mencionar que éste tip fue tomado de una revista de avión(es que se me hizo chido))

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi... I can add to you bra comment you MUSTN'T use new shoes, is the worst thing you can do, you are going to walk a lot, and old fitted clean shoes will be great!!

    Other tip: If you don't want to wash clothes during the trip, you can take advantage of your old clothes ;) after they got dirty you just can throw it away, and renew your wardrobe during the trip buying new ones, jejeje (OK, yes, extra budget will be needed for this)

  2. Jajajaja sure shoes must be confortable but clean?, well only in the case someone invite you to a dinner or something like that.

    Throw away our old cloth?... that is a very good tip :P :P
